Thursday, August 18, 2005



By Sally I. Kennedy, ©2005
Aug 18, 2005

...the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you
will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3

Boarding the plane in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, I noticed there were a lot of
kids grouped ahead of me. Sixty-five, to be exact, headed for summer
camp. Once onboard, the airline attendant cruised the aisle, checking
paperwork against who was actually seated in which seat. "It's too
early for this," she quipped, with a twinkle in her eye, "but I know
who the ringleaders are!"

The younger kids were so obviously excited, chattering, laughing,
snorting even. At take-off their arms went up in the air as if they
were on a roller coaster. The older ones exchanged knowing glances that
said, "Good we are more mature than that."

Girls with very long straight hair, sporting at least one toe ring on
each sandaled foot, and boys in baggies and T-shirts moving back and
forth in the aisle and climbing over seats with walkmen and game boys.
Adult passengers read newspapers, looked at cell phones that couldn't
be turned on yet, and napped.

The little ones' exuberance maintained for the entire flight. Every
single thing was an adventure to be celebrated, from the video headsets
to the drink cart to the telephone on the seat backs. No doubt the kids
were all looking forward to getting to the camp destination. However,
it didn't diminish the full joy of the moment. Their excitement was in
the now. Isn't great to be a kid? Dr.Grant Mullen talks about 'growing'
back to five years of age. Cool. Not the Peter Pan syndrome, but fully
being in the moment.

The best things in life do come in small packages. A litle wooden
placque in our home says, "God's biggest blessings are little ones."
Each new day, I will hopefully be aware of His gift of the precious the small things.

Sally I. Kennedy, author of Words from the Heart, Irish Thursdays, and
52 Little Parables from Ireland (Creation House Press)

Our Father in heaven, Thank you for everything. All creation proclaims
your glory. Grant us the grace to grow in love with your Word so that
as we respond more fully to Your love, we may produce good fruit for
your glory.

"THANK YOU everyone for all your prayers for my brother. He has
recovered from his heart trouble and their is progress. He may be home
soon." - Rick

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