Wednesday, May 30, 2007



 F O O D F O R T H O U G H T
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Contributed by Melanie Schurr
May 30, 2007

"But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is
impossible; but with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26

Below is a true story as revealed to me by a reader who wrote to share a miraculous story. With her permission, this is how she described the physical healing of her daughter, Barbara:

She [Barbara] was born with brain damage from the forceps. She never
spoke a word that could be understood. At eight years old, I took her
to a healing service. During communion, the Pastor told me that brain cells were being healed on this cute little red head. On the way down from communion, she looked at me, and as plain as day said "Mommy, why are you crying like that?" An instant miracle! Today she is 37 and still has perfect speech."

When a skeptic hears such a wondrous story, they may shake their
heads, roll their eyes and say, "Oh, that is just coincidence! I know
the Bible speaks of presumed miracles, but that was a very long time ago."

Yes, the Scriptures do reveal many signs and wonders, but let us not
forget that Christ himself was a miracle! From the immaculate
conception of His birth, to His resurrection after His death on the
cross, and everything which occurred in between, miraculous, would
certainly be an appropriate word to define Jesus' life here on earth.
However, there were skeptics then, and they still exist now.

Why is it so hard for some people to accept the reality of miraculous events?

I suppose one can compare the denial with the same type of blindness
that causes many of us to turn our backs on our own shortcomings. We
may think we are upstanding citizens, but the reality may be that we
are selfish, thoughtless and mean-spirited. For such individuals,
admitting they are less than perfect is almost inconceivable, and it
seems easier to continue on in their unrighteous ways, than to change
what needs fixing.

My dear friend, I have experienced miracles within my own life, so I
know they are real. So too do I know that God is real. Hearing such
stories of healings and various dramatic life transformations does not surprise me because I know that with God, all things are possible!

What about you? Are you ready to experience great signs and wonders
within your own life?

Prayer: "Dear God, I want to know You, and want to know what is and
isn't real, but I am afraid. However, I am willing to set my fear and skepticism aside so that I can give You (and myself!) a fair chance. I know I have made a lot of mistakes in my life which have caused myself and others a great deal of pain, but I am now ready to have You wash me clean of my sins so that I may start anew as Your child. Please give me new eyes to see with so I won't be so negative and critical, and help my hard heart to soften. This I ask in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen."

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