Sunday, January 07, 2007



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Contributed by Melanie Schurr
Jan 7, 2007

There are certain laws of physics that we know exist. For example,
toss an apple up in the air and what happens? The law of gravity
determines that what goes up must come down, of course! Did you know
there are also spiritual laws?

That's right. One of these divinely-appointed principles is that what
we sow, so shall we also reap. In more plain terms, if we are hateful
and sow seeds of scorn and malice, we will obviously not reap joy,
peace, and love. In like manner, if we scatter seeds of
understanding, patience, and kindness, should we expect anything less
than good gifts?

The same is true with how we chose to live our life; not only what
comes out of our mouth, but what do our actions reveal; godliness or
that which is objectionable to God? Again, in more clear terms, if we
are involved in something as sinful as adultery, should we expect God
to bless our marriage? Our Lord may want to see us truly blessed, but
if we are not willing to place our faith, trust and obedience in His
hands, this cannot occur.

Our faith in God is about more than simply loving God and having a
relationship with Him. Just as when we marry, we say an earthly vow to
honor our commitment to one spouse, the same is true with the
commitment and obedience God requires us to have with Him. This does
not mean there is not forgiveness to those who stumble or fall, but
what it does mean is, what good is our faith if we only adhere to
that which is convenient, pleasing, and tolerable? Even the unsaved
heathens can manage that!

Christians are not called to be as unrepentant heathens, but we are
instead called to be as light to a world of darkness. This too, is
another spiritual principle, that obedience to God IS rewarded. Our
faith is never in vain, and its reward is salvation!


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