Wednesday, June 15, 2005



Contributed by Melanie Schurr
Jun 04, 2005

While our teens were in those often crazy, hormonal years, my mind, body and spirit were definitely put to the test. In short, it was probably the worst period of my life; a time filled with frustration, worry, and a sense that I was carrying a burden almost too large to bear. What added to this sense of overwhelming frustration was that this was not the sort of thing that was supposed to happen to a Christian. Or was it? I did all the right things; raised my children up in the Lord and was an active and loving presence in their lives. We prayed together, read stories (including from the Bible) every night before bed, ate home-cooked meals around the dinner table, and, in general, life as a family was good.

All of that seemed to go out the window during their mid-teen years, and along with the feelings of pain and disillusionment, came guilt and embarrassment. Every day I would ask myself, "Why?" There seemed to be no answer so I had no choice but to simply trust God, trust what I truly believed in my heart was the right thing to do, and PRAY like I've never prayed before.

From what was the bleakest period in my existence, darkness finally did give way to light as I had hoped it would. God DID hear my prayers. Slowly but surely, things began to improve, attitudes began to change, godly justice was being dispersed, and truth and love began cutting through the mire. What was a time of profound suffering also gave way to numerous rich blessings, one of which allowed our family to relocate to an area of the country where we had deeply desired to live. Like the all-knowing and wise Father He is, God seemed to see what we needed to heal. Our oldest child made the decision to join the Armed Forces, and the remainder of his transformation from child to man is becoming more clearly evident. His letters and calls home are reflective of a young man who, for a time, was lost, but is now back on track. As his last letter aptly states, "The past is past. The future is now."

This Daily Wisdom is written for those people who may be going through a hard time in their lives. No one said our lives would be complete bliss, for we are humans as capable of grief and tears as we are of laughter and joy. Despite what hardships may come our way, however, our faith in God allows us the hope that darkness always will give way to light, in the same way that justice prevails, and good reigns over evil. It may not come in an hour or a day, but in God's perfect timing, dark times will not last forever.

Contributed by Melanie Schurr ©2004 Melanie Schurr Melanie Schurr is author of "Ecstatic Living Ecstatic Loving: How to have more peace and joy in marriage, and life in general by walking in harmony with God," and "Son Salutations: A refreshing collection of modern inspirations for those who seek God each day."

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