Saturday, June 18, 2005
I detest myself right now. For I have just come from a luncheon where four of us spent most of our time criticizing a mutual friend. Her faults, her eccentricities, how extravagant and undependable she is. How she spoils her children, how vain and eager she always is to be attractive to men.
And though a lot of these things are true (Lord, they really are) I found myself wondering even as I joined in: Who are we to judge? Isn't every one of us guilty of at least some of the very same things? Was that why we attacked her with such relish? (Dear Lord, I'm so ashamed.) Because it made us a little bit better ourselves to brandish the defects of somebody so much "worse."
Well, I don't feel better about myself now. I keep thinking of what Jesus said to the men about to stone the adulterous woman: "Which of you is without sin!" Yet there we sat, self-righteous, stoning our sister with words.
How, Lord, can I make amends?
I long to call her up and beg her forgiveness, but...she would be so hurt, so much damage would be done. [Teach me] to ask for Your forgiveness. And pray for her. Help her, strengthen her, bless her, [Lord]...
And oh, Lord, put more compassion in my heart, guard my tongue. Don't let me ever again join in stoning a sister--or a anyone--with words.