Friday, June 17, 2005



From the book - Just a Minute Little Book of Gems.

Jesus walked one morning in a Church.

A family, visiting there, dark of skin and light of spirit, was greeted and welcomed by an assistant pastor. The senior pastor took him aside and chastised him, saying "We don't need their kind here. They have their own churches."
Jesus said, "Did I not die that all my children might be one? Why do you see only the differences among you?"

....and Jesus wept.

Jesus walked one morning in a Seminary.
As he entered a classroom, he heard a heated debate concerning signs and wonders and tongues and dispensations.
Jesus said, "Did I not send my Holy Spirit to be a comforter and to bring you peace? But you have grieved Him with your battles. Did not my servant Paul tell you all to be filled with the Holy Spirit? Why do you not pray with an open heart that I might fill you, and allow me to do so as I will: according to my gracious and varied and bountiful gifts?"

....and Jesus wept.

Jesus walked one morning near a House of Congress As he passed among a few of His children who worked there in Congress, he heard them fighting with words. He pressed closer to listen to them as they argued over the political sides they had taken.
Jesus said, "Did I not call you to be Kings and Priests? How shall you rule in my coming Kingdom if you cannot love each other and listen for my wisdom speaking from the hearts of all my redeemed servants? Will you not consider that you see through a glass darkly, and that your brother may have been shown a different view, that between you that you may share in the discovery of the best solutions?

....and Jesus wept.

Jesus walked one afternoon on a college campus.
He heard a man preaching in His name, shouting out to the young women who walked by that they were whores because they wore trousers, shouting out against drunkenness and sloth, alienating the students by his assumptions and accusations.
Jesus said, "Did not my servant Peter tell you to share my hope with gentleness and respect? Will not your love draw men unto me?"

....and Jesus wept.

Jesus walked one afternoon in a park.
A young woman sat there with tears running down her face, sobs wrenching her body, hopeless and not knowing where to turn. He saw his children walk by deep in conversation, not seeing her need.
Jesus said, "Did I not say that faith without works is dead? How can you ignore this one who is hurting? I have given you answers for this woman's cry; can you not take time out to listen to her plea?

....and Jesus wept.

Jesus walked one morning at a work place.
He saw one of His children beaten down in despair, standing alone in the presence of one who was under the influence of demonic works of darkness. Jesus said, "Did I not give you authority over all the powers of the enemy? Did I not defeat him at Calvary? Why do you not put on your full armor and stand against him? Why do your brothers and sisters not stand with you when you are weak? Have I not promised to be with you in the fight? Have I not promised deliverance for the captives? and salvation for the oppressed?

.... and Jesus wept.

Jesus walked one evening in a restaurant.
His children were gathered there to dine. He heard them discussing their waiter. "He's obviously a homosexual! I'm not even sure I want to touch this food after him. How disgusting he is!
Jesus said, "Did I not come to cleanse all men? How is his sin more disgusting to me than yours? Shall you pick up the first stone? Then He turned to the waiter and said gently, with all His love filling His voice, "Go, my son, and sin no more."

....and Jesus wept.

Jesus walked one night on the Internet.
Where His children gathered in His name. He saw some of them preaching His word, comforting the hurting, defending the helpless, and praising His name. He walked among them, touching their hearts with his love.
But then He saw many others, His children all, and watched and listened to their words and hearts.

....and Jesus wept.

Have YOU made Jesus weep lately?

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