Monday, June 19, 2006



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By Susan Titus Osborn

By Susan Titus Osborn, Reststops for Single Moms

I walked along the beach one autumn morning, hoping to find shells
for my collection. The summer tourists had gone home, and the kids
had returned to school. The beach was deserted except for an elderly
couple walking hand in hand and a man scavenging with a metal
detector. I seemed to be the only person searching for shells.

However, all I could find were broken pieces. I kicked at the sand in
frustration. The broken shells reminded me of the fragmented pieces
of my own life since the breakup of my marriage.

Then the wind whipped my hair and sent a chill down by back. I pulled
my sweatshirt around me and kept walking. Somehow, I hoped my brisk
pace would help me leave my problems behind to be swept out with the
tide. Instead, the waves kept bringing in more and more broken shells.

Then, I paused and cried out, "Where are you, Lord? What plan do You
have for the broken pieces of my life?"

I resumed walking, trying to gain perspective on my situation. What
had happened to my perfect little family of four? Like the shells, my
hopes and dreams for the future had been dashed on the rocks.

God seemed silent. Yet, I sensed the fault was mine, not His. I
wasn't seeking His guidance so much as I was venting my anger by
shouting. Another wave surged on the shore, and I continued my
search. To my surprise, this one brought in a beautiful whole shell.
Scooping it up in my hand, I turned it over and noticed how perfectly
God had formed it. In the midst of all this brokenness was wholeness.

Perhaps God would make me whole too. However, I needed to do my
part. Instead of dwelling on my problems and unmet expectations, I
needed to plan for the future. I no longer had a husband, but I did
have two wonderful teenage boys. The three of us were still a family.

We could build on what we did have. We could love and encourage each
other. We could laugh and plan inexpensive outings together. We could
look to the future, knowing God would guide our path if we allowed Him.

Perhaps, if I stopped shouting at God, I would be able to hear Him
speak. I looked at the perfect shell in my hand and smiled. Had God
already spoken?

"Lord inflame my heart with your love and remove everything that is unloving, unkind, ungrateful, unholy and not in accord with your will."


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