Tuesday, October 03, 2006



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By Francis Kong
Oct 3, 2006

For the next nine days, I will have to make some very critical
choices. I will start with this one: to choose love over bitterness.
As no occasion justifies hatred, no injustice warrants bitterness.

I choose love. Today I will love God and what God loves.

Hatred destroys. If bitterness is a poison then resentment is a
cancer. Bitterness destroys others while resentment destroys the self.

I can surrender every bit of hatred to the God of Love and
then, have Him replace all my hate with His love on this brand new

A cornered rattlesnake can become so frenzied, that it can
actually bite itself with its own deadly fangs. In the same way, a
person harboring hatred and resentment in his heart can be hurt by
his own poisonous malice. He believes he is injuring his enemies by
displaying his wrath,but the real injury is inflicted deep in his own

Anger can also cause us to do and say things we may deeply
regret. George W. Martin gives the following account: "I remember a
fellow who once wrote a nasty letter to his father. Since we worked
in the same office, I advised him not to send it because it was
written in a fit of temper. But he sealed it and asked me to put it
in the mail. Instead, I simply slipped it into my pocket and kept it
until the next day. The following morning he arrived at the office
looking very worried. `George,' he said, `I wish I had
never sent that note to my dad yesterday. It hurts me deeply, and I
know it will break his heart when he reads it. I'd give 50 dollars to
get it back! Taking the envelope from my pocket, I handed it to him
and told him what I had done. He was so overjoyed that he actually
wanted to pay me the 50 dollars!"

By the way, make sure you don't do these two things
whenever you are angry:
Write a letter.
Write a memo.

Proverbs 15: 1: "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a
harsh word stirs up anger."

"O Lord, our God, grant us, we beseech you, patience in troubles, humility in comforts, constancy in temptations, and victory over all our spiritual foes. Grant us sorrow for our sins, thankfulness for your benefits, fear of your judgment, love of your mercies, and mindfulness of your presence; now and for ever." (Prayer by John Cosin)

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