Wednesday, July 11, 2007



 F O O D F O R T H O U G H T
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By Marion Smith
Jul 11, 2007

Each morning and evening I have the same routine. Yours may be similar. I apply my make up each morning and remove it at night. I take off my night gown and put on my work clothes. I remove my bite guard in the morning and replace it before bed. I even have these cycles in other areas of my life. I take off weight, then put it on again. I shed my life of extra activities, then take them back on again. Off and on, off and on…. What a routine!

God tells us there is something we need to take off, and we only need to do it once. That sounds really good to me! It is our old nature (called our sin nature in the Bible). It leads us into nothing but trouble and is rotten through and through. (Ephesians4:22) When we take that off, God gives us a new nature. One where we have a spiritual renewal of our thoughts and attitudes. We will display this new nature because we are made new people after we have learned the truth that is in Jesus. Attributes of this new and wonderful nature are righteousness, holiness and truth, for our new nature displays that we have been created in God's likeness.

I am glad I have shed the old nature and received the new. And, I am thankful it is a one time swap ! God is so good !

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