Tuesday, March 04, 2014




He was just a little boy, on a week's first day.

He was wandering home from Sunday School, and dawdling on the way.

He scuffed his shoes into the grass; he found a caterpillar.

He found a fluffy milkweed pod, and blew out all the "filler."

A bird's nest in a tree overhead, so wisely placed on high,

Was just another wonder that caught his eager eye.

A neighbor watched his zig zag course, and hailed him from the lawn,

Asked him where he'd been that day and what was going on.

"I've been to Bible School," he said and turned a piece of sod.

He picked up a wiggly worm replying, "I've learned a lot of God."

"M'm very fine way," the neighbor said, "for a boy to spend his time."

"If you'll tell me where God is, I'll give you a brand new dime."

Quick as a flash the answer came! Nor were his accents faint.

"I'll give you a dollar, Mister, if you can tell me where God ain't."

-- Author Unknown

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