Saturday, January 09, 2016





When I got mad today and hit my child

"For his own good, " I reconciled,

and then I realized my plight...

Today, I taught my child to fight.


When interrupted by the phone,

I said, "tell them I'm not home."

And then I thought, and had to sigh... 

Today I taught my child to lie.


I told the tax man what I made,

forgetting cash that was paid,

And then I blushed at this sad feat...

Today I taught my child to cheat.


I smugly copied a cassette,

To keep me from one more debt,

But now the bells of shame must peal...

Today I taught my child to steal.


Today I cursed another race,

Oh God, protect what I debase,

for now, I fear it is too late...

Today I taught my child to hate.


By my example, children learn

That I must lead in life's sojourn

In such a way they are led

By what is done and not what is said.


Today I gave my child his due

By praise for him instead of rue.

And now I have begun my guide;

Today I gave my child his pride.


I now have reconciled and paid

to IRS all that I have made.

And now I know that this dear youth,

Today has learned from me the truth.


The alms I give are not for show,

And yet, this child must surely know

That charity is worth the price:

Today he saw my sacrifice.


I clasp within a warm embrace

My neighbor of another race.

The great commandment from up above.

Today I taught my child to love.


Someday my child must face alone

This fearsome undertone,

But I have blazed a sure pathway:

Today I taught my child to pray.


-- Author Unknown


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